You may find that these time honored reposts come in handy when confronted with the hostile, the sleazy and/or the patently stupid. For instance:

•  Upon being dealt the age card by a snide, narcissistic hipster, as in, "Dude, are you kidding? You're too friggin' old." You must at once assure the pretentious offender, "Actually, I can guarantee that you won't...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Nova Silverman. I am — or was — a business associate and a close friend of Stephan Michaels'. I am sorry to report that, after enduring many months of public ridicule over his outspoken editorials and finger wagging admonishments, Stephan's battles with his critics and detractors have come to an abrupt end.


As the fanfare and hyped-up coverage of the 2010 Vancouver Olympics quickly fades from the public mind, Canadians will savor their newly won gold medal stature for generations. And while the country and its champions bask in that deserved afterglow, many questions still hover in the gloom surrounding the fatal crash of Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili, who was...

The really good thing to report about my first six months living in Canada is that the people are great. But I knew that already. It was the prime motivation for my moving here.

I chose Victoria because I have so many friends here, but your city makes me sad.
